SPC Photo Awards
Zurich, March 2020
NEWS: As a result of the new guidance from the Bundesrat on March 16th, Photobastei is closed and the SPC Photo Awards-Zurich in March is concluded.
Thank you for all the amazing submissions,
thank you for all casted votes,
thanks to our sponsors,
thank you Photobastei !
Did you miss this round? Or are you ready for a new challenge?
Submit your photos to the upcoming SPC Photo Awards in Zurich.
We look forward to exhibiting your photos and meeting you in person next time ?
Free Courses
The previously announced Travel Photography talk will take place via Online Webinar:
March 21 : Travel Photography Hacks Live Online (in English) — Register
Virtual Exhibition
Didn’t get a chance to attend the exhibition while it was open? You’re not out of luck: we have prepared a 360-degree virtual tour of the exhibition.
Public Vote Results
Here are the results of the public votes:
A BIG thanks to our judges who took time to
go through every single submission and casted their votes to determine the 50 selected photos:
Matthias Gaberthüel, Giovanni Alfieri, Silvano Pedrett, Ruedi Flück, Thomas Halfmann, Tobias Indermuehle, Michael Stöcklin, Sebastian Grundgeir
Jury Prize

Barbara Bamberger – Body
Winner of a Gift Voucher for CHF 1’500 to a future SPC Photo Tour
1st Public Prize

Joe Bürgi – Mundari Cattle Herder
Winner of a Gift Voucher for CHF 1’500 to GraphicArt